Sources refer to data sources we will receive data from.
On this page you can create new connectors or view the status of existing ones.
- Create
- View existing Sources & Quck Actions
- Create & Edit Authentication
- Settings
- Schema
- Status
View Existing Sources
- Shows types, quantity of topics latency
- Able to search and filter the list
Quick Actions
- View
- Reset/Restart/Pause
- Delete
- Clone
- Logs
Create & Edit Authentication
Varies per connector but you will find values to configure such as how to carry out snapshots and how fast to consume data.
- The adding and editing of schema to consume
- Streamkap can consume multiple databases and schemas per instance
- You can bulk upload the list of databases/tables. Format is a simple list of a database or table per row without header
- Coming Soon - Data discovery, so that you can browse and select from the source
- View headline statistics such as Latency
- View volume, events retries and snapshot status per table/topic
- Trigger a new snapshot/backfill per connecor or table/topics
Quick Actions
- Snapshot
- Pause/Reset/Restart
- Delete
- Clone
Updated about 1 year ago