Google Cloud MySQL
MySQL Change Data Capture Setup on Google Cloud SQL with Streamkap
- MySQL version ≥ 5.7
- MySQL binlog enabled
- Streamkap user and role
Granting Privileges
It's recommended to create a separate user and role for Streamkap to access your MySQL database. Below is an example script that does that.
-- Replace { ... } placeholders as required
-- Identify version
--On MySQL version 5.6 to 8.0
CREATE USER 'streamkap_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{password}';
--On MySQL version 8.0+
CREATE USER 'streamkap_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '{password}';
--Grant Permissions
--Grant Select on all schemas needed
GRANT SELECT ON {schema}.* TO 'streamkap_user';
Enable Snapshots
You can perform ad-hoc snapshots of all or some of your tables in the Streamkap app. See Snapshots & Backfilling for more information.
This feature is available without any additional configuration because 'GTID-based replication' is enabled by default - and cannot be disabled - for MySQL Cloud SQL instances. See About replication in Cloud SQL for more information.
Configure binary logging
If you are using a read replica, you must enable binary logging on the read replica
- In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud SQL Instances page.
- Go to Cloud SQL Instances
- Open the more actions menu for the instance you want to enable point-in-time recovery on and click Edit.
- Under Customize your instance, expand the Data Protection section.
- Select the Enable point-in-time recovery checkbox.
- Expand Advanced options.
- Enter the number of days to retain logs, from 3-7. We recommend 7 days,
- Click Save.
Consider Access Restrictions
- Visit Connection Options to ensure Streamkap can reach your database
Setup MySQL Connector in Streamkap
- Go to Sources and click Create New
- Input
- Name for your Connector
- Hostname
- Port (Default
) - Username (Username you chose earlier, our scripts use
) - Password
- Heartbeat - Required for low volume connectors. See MySQL Heartbeats
- Connection Timezone - The timezone of your database
Timezone conversion
MySQL converts
values from the current time zone to UTC for storage, and back from UTC to the current time zone for retrieval. By default, the current time zone for each connection is the database server's time zone but this option allows you to override that.As long as the time zones remain the same, you get back the same value you store.
We recommend using the default
option which attempts to detect the session time zone from the values configured on the MySQL server session variables 'time_zone' or 'system_time_zone'. It also reduces the chance of problems with daylight savings adjustment 'fall back' and 'spring forward'.If either time zones change, an ad-hoc snapshot is recommended so your source and destination timestamps are consistent.
- Connect via SSH Tunnel. See SSH Tunnel
- Advanced Parameters
- Represent Binary Data As (Default
- Represent Binary Data As (Default
- Add Schemas/Tables. Can also bulk upload here. The format is a simple list of each schema or table per row saved in csv format without a header.
- Click Save
The connector will take approximately 1 minute to start processing data.
Updated 2 months ago